Here we are, we are water people! Mormaii Global is rising on a worldwide wave!
Mormaii has a beautiful story, a life going back almost 50 years in Brazil.
From our first wetsuits...
... handsewn on a table
... in a cabin
... on a beach with pristine waves
... in the fishing village of Garopaba
... by our founder Dr. Morongo (Marco Aurélio Raymundo),
we have risen high, like long boarders on the big waves!
But that story is far from over. Now we’re starting on a set of new waves which are going to be landing on shores all over the globe. To go big, though, you have to be laser focused. Just ask our own Lucas Chumbo what it takes to win the WSL BWT Nazar´Challenge!
So we’re going back to basics: our wetsuits. Our first homegrown international wetsuits – for men, women, and kids – with break through water sealed zipperless technology – are available to purchase online as of April 10th!
Keep your eyes on our site for new products as we roll them out. We’ll be sharing updates through our insta and posting new posts here.
Thank you for being part of our worldwide family of water people!
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